Every night immediately after dinner, my wife and I divvy up two relentless tasks of hygiene: bathing the kids and doing the dinner dishes. We do a good job of switching it up, but on Sunday nights, I always opt to be at the sink, closer to the radio, where I enjoy the weekend wind-down ritual of listening to the country’s longest-running radio quiz show, Minds over Matter on KALWfm. The hour-long show is hosted and moderated by smartypants moderator Dana Rodriguez who is joined by a rotating panel of cohosts. They challenge each other and the listeners with questions, then live calls are taken where listeners both ask and answer questions. It seems like the type of thing Howard Stern’s Wack Pack would love to know about but despite the show airing live every week with relatively little call screening, its ripeness for prank call abuse seems to go unnoticed. Maybe the many oddball callers are amusing enough. Last night, the same fella called twice and the second time wasn’t even a question or answer–it was a dumb joke that Rodriguez politely obliged. The most intriguing question last night asked How often in years do calendars repeat with the same day-date combinations? (answer at Quora, fyi)