[audio:http://earshotpresents.com/sounds/within-earshot/hard-drive.mp3|titles=Evan Dando — Hard Drive]
Years before there was Facebook and Twitter, Ben Lee wrote Hard Drive. Here it is as performed by Evan Dando. Incidentally, the name of the Dando album from which it comes is Baby I’m Bored. Dando’s band, the Lemonheads, have just released a covers album called Varshons and are currently touring.
Hard Drive by Evan Dando
This is the town I’m living in
This is the street I’m walking down
These are the friends I’m visiting
These are the clothes I’m wearing
This is the house I’m building here
This is the girl I’m marrying
This is the chord I’m strumming now
This is the faith I’m leaning on
This is the child I’m bearing now
This is the love that I’ve always had
This is the face I make when I’m sad
This is the town I’m living in
These are the feet I’m standing on
These are the hands that built a world
This is the bed I’m sleeping in
This is the shirt I’m buttoning
This is the pace I’m moving at
This is the tune I’m humming now
This is the road I’m walking down
These are the lips that form my words
This is the stone that I wanna turn
These are the people that I love
These are the eyes that look up above
This is the town I’m living in
This is the hard drive
This is the ocean
Have you ever felt yourself in motion?