Transcription of George Harrison, from opening of “The True Story of the Traveling Wilburys“:
“The thing happened just by magic. Just by circumstances. Maybe there was a fun moon that night or something like that. It was quite a magical little thing, really.
I had dinner with Roy Orbison and Jeff (ed. Jeff Lynne). And I said to Jeff. “Look, tomorrow I’m going to go into the studio and make up a chune and do you wanna come and help?” and he said “sure”.
Bob (ed. Bob Dylan), we knew, had this little studio and I phoned Bob up. You know sometimes you can phone him and not get through for years but he picked up first ring and he said “Come on over!”.
My guitar was at Tom Petty’s house so Tom and Jeff picked me up, we went over to Bob’s house, and I got the first line. I said “Been beat up battered around” and WHAM! they just kept on coming up with all these lines.”
And now you know… the rest of. the. story.